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Public Services Inspection in the UK

Public Services Inspection in the UK

Kieran Walshe | Clive Grace | Steve Martin | Jane Martin | David Lock | John Raine | James Downe | Howard Davis | Steve Bundred | Chris Johns | John Clarke


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Book Details


Public Services Inspection in the UK provides a detailed account of the changing role of inspection in public services management. It analyses the key debates about the role that inspection plays in increasing public accountability and encouraging service improvement.

Contributors describe current inspection methods across the key public sectors of education, social care, the criminal justice system, local government services and healthcare, and examine the underlying issues and tensions associated with public services inspection. They compare approaches adopted in different parts of the UK and present evidence that can be drawn on to develop more effective practice, as well as offering recommendations for future policy and research.

Public Services Inspection in the UK is essential reading for public service managers, social workers, policy makers, researchers, academics, students and professionals working in public services who have an involvement in the inspection process.

The book provides a valuable narrated historical evolution of the different inspection practices for the different public services in the UK. A key reference for future research on inspection in general and on the public service inspection in the UK.
The International Journal of Public Sector Management

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
1. Introducción al tratamiento de lodos fecales
2. El tratamiento de lodos fecales y sépticos en contexto
3. Planificación para el tratamiento mejorado
4. Introducción a los procesos y tecnologías de tratamiento
5. Planificación y diseño para una operación efectiv
6. La recepción y el tratamiento preliminar de lodos fecales y lodos sépticos
7. La separación sólido-líquido
8. Tratamiento de líquidos
9. La deshidratación de sólidos
10. Tratamiento adicional de sólidos para su eliminación segura o uso final